Like so many offspring of contractors who have made good in the forest sector, when Brett Marquis began working for his father, Bob Marquis, at Bob Marquis Contracting, his strong work ethic wasn’t the result of trying to avoid accusations of nepotism. Instead, he worked hard because he loved every aspect of falling, building roads, and installing bridges. 

Today, as the fifth generation of Marquis to make forestry his business in the Powell River region, Brett is preparing to take over the family business—and working harder than ever. “I have five titles to be honest, from foreman to choker man,” he says. 

But at 33, the work merely fortifies Brett’s passion for the industry. “My favourite job is all the jobs we do, and even on the worst days when my hands are bleeding from the chokers, I love it,” he says. “There’s a romanticism about coping with adverse and dangerous conditions daily. I felt that way at six when dad taught me how to drive a skidder, and he felt it when his dad first took him into the bush at an early age. 

“What’s really fulfilling is that my son, Miles, who is only three, has the same fascination and wants to do everything I do. Who knows, maybe he’ll be taking over the company one day.” 

Height and strength are hallmarks of the Marquis family, and when Brett and his brother Cole were youths, they dreamed of being professional hockey players—an ambition also shared by Bob and Lawrence in their youth. “We had great slap shots but not the speed, and there weren’t exactly any NHL contacts in the region,” he says.  

But early exposure to the bush was a far more powerful lure for Brett. “I couldn’t wait to graduate high school, and as soon as I did, I went into the bush full time and learned the ropes.” 

In addition to providing a steady paycheque, contracting provided Brett with a lifetime partner. “I met Ally seven years ago in a gravel pit,” he says. “She was blonde, beautiful, and was running a loader, and it was the sexiest sight I’d ever laid eyes on. It took me a full week to work up the nerve to talk to her, and eventually she took a chance on me.” In November, the couple will welcome their second child into the world. 

Presiding over the family business has also given Brett a unique opportunity to indulge his athletic inclinations, via the Powell River Logger Sports. Bob founded the annual event in 1985 in memory of his late brother Bill (both of whom competed together in logger sports at the PNE); over the years Brett has distinguished himself in several categories, including axe throw and 100cc Hot Saw. 

The Marquis family is close-knit; “I’ve always had a deep-seated desire to work alongside my dad. When Miles was born, he began stepping back from the business so he could enjoy more time with his grandson.” 

Now that he’s a family man, Brett’s main focus is ensuring that Bob Marquis Contracting is well positioned to prevail over the long term. “We’re in a good place inasmuch as we don’t need to expand to get more jobs, we’ll only need to switch out some equipment,” he says. “Hopefully dad won’t fully retire because he’s a great salesman and estimator, and if Miles expresses interest in joining the business down the road, that would be fantastic. 

“A lot has changed in my industry during my comparatively short time in it, and a lot of the change has not been for the better. But I can only control our business; and since we do a good job and get a lot done in a workday, I’m confident about our future. There will always be roads to build and land to clear for the Marquis family.”